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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
495 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1088008 ID: eb0a9c

"Nobody is ready for everything, Gabe. Not even those who are ready to die.
But we still have to be."
No. 1088010 ID: 184595

Spite shouldn't be an issue; all of the mice are taking the trip willingly. The issue of confidence is much more pressing at the moment. But Kol and Casey are there, and they have a long history with Gabe. They know what he's capable of, and have built a sort of trust between the three of them that's rarely seen. They should give Gabe a hug and a kiss with a word of encouragement and solidarity. It couldn't mean more from anyone else.
No. 1088015 ID: 52227d

The only part of him that actually went through was the part of him that was still alright. When you find him on the other side he's probably going to be different.
No. 1088019 ID: f3e128

Hug, Kiss, no pressure. You're ready. You're the most talented sender in the world. You sent a vampire with no casualties aside from a few burns. And those burns weren't even caused by the vampire, it was your one-tap summon magma that shut down his geomancy spell (geomancy spell from the most powerful geomancy user in the world btw). Not to mention, you made a gate to the moon the next day. Most of all, you're not alone. You've got the best two partners going with you, you've got this.
No. 1088028 ID: fa3034

Hug him.
No. 1088059 ID: 8a1605
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Across the river, there’s a rumble as part of the bargast collapses. The dust billows and settles while shapes are visible moving in the gloom.

“Ah fuck…” Casey lets out a curse barely audible over the bustle of the defenders.

“I’m sorry- let me-“ Gabe stutters, trying to pull free of her.

“Hey, hey.” She says gently, “Its okay. Look, remember when we all started together? None of us really knew what we were doing and were still figuring out our magic? Yesterday we took down a vampire lord, and this morning you opened a gate to the Moon-“

Sifr holds up a finger to interject, “Wait, what was that?”

“We’ll tell you later. The point is: we’re ready for this. We don’t know what to expect on the other side of that gate, but whatever happens: we’re right there beside one another. Right?”

“Right.” Casey makes room for Kol to join them, taking one another’s hands in a ring. “We’ve got this, together…”
No. 1088064 ID: 273c18

Cmon let's go into the spooky zone!
No. 1088065 ID: eb0a9c

Tap-dancing your way through hell!
No. 1088073 ID: fa3034

No. 1088075 ID: 7b65e9

As three bodies but one soul.
No. 1088080 ID: f3e128

Now there's a pep talk! Let's get it on!
No. 1088086 ID: f14228

Oh, and hey, never forget all the good you've done with these spirit gates already.

Remember Allayne? You all helped her not to be scared of the unknown. Casey even gave her a special gift in passing, haha. And that was how you got to make friends with Mr. Ochre and all that resulted from that, too.

The Lich Adrian as well - he was so afraid of leaving his husband alone and without ever finding his skin again. You solved that, let him get off a good worthy farewell. Kol's sure made sure that Caleb's not been left on his own since either.

And Cliff, who got so into his rhythm and his work he didn't even notice he was dead! And so unsure of what he was to do without that work. It was cleverly done by Gabe to find a way to help him move on - and without ruining an ongoing performance at that! A fact from which more good friends were made.

You got nothing to be afraid of going where you're going. You know the good that comes from it, and the good that returns to it, and the good that came from every time you did it right.

You're good Guides. And you'll be better Guardians.
No. 1088225 ID: 8a1605
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The Sender nods and lets his heartbeat steady for a moment before stepping back and try again. Gabe’s feet scuff against the stone as he thrusts his hands forward. He focuses his mind, until it becomes a drill piercing through the realms of magic. The mouse slowly spreads his hands, skinny back muscles working against an impossible, invincible force as he opens a doorway into another place.

“That was a good one.” Kol tells him, stepping up next to his partner. He’s forced to shield his eyes against the intense light streaming through the gate.

“Are we ready?” Casey asks lining up opposite Kol.

Gabe let’s out a breath he’s been holding back and nods “Whatever happens, I’m right there with you guys.” He repeats back to her.

Together the mice cross the threshold of the gate and start walking. The world of the living closes off behind them and they stride into the blinding glare of the spirit realm.
No. 1088230 ID: 273c18

Once you're on the other side take a moment to get used to the mana, and then proceed with caution. Look around, you'll probably find your guide soon enough.
No. 1088235 ID: eb0a9c

Roll Credits!
No. 1088236 ID: f3e128

Well... what do you see?
No. 1088237 ID: fa3034

Nothing short of the biggest step in your lives and you're doing it with your two best friends and lovers.
No. 1088239 ID: b31a26

next chapter!
more seriously, now THIS is a moment of anticipation and anxiety, walking into what can be called the afterlife with chins held high
No. 1088250 ID: 7b65e9

My hype is immeasurable right now.
No. 1088478 ID: 8a1605
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After walking for what seems like an age, the light fades into a strange glow that seems to come from everywhere.

The trio look around to assess their surroundings, finding themselves in a fogbank at the edge of a vast forest of pillars. Unlike trees, their texture is pale and feathered with a white fuzz of growths, and they taper at their base rather than their top. They stretch up into the fog, looming impossibly tall, forming an uneven colonnade that seems to support the heavens themselves.

Small, flickering lights float through the gloom like wayward fireflies. They meander in small groups, following some unseen current that draws them further into the unusual forest.
No. 1088480 ID: 3a8aa9

Oh, huh. I thought it'd be much spacier in here, oh well! Probably keep quiet and start walkin'
No. 1088489 ID: 273c18

Keep moving, follow the lights.
No. 1088505 ID: bcb9b2

those lights... are probably souls, and they seem to know where they're going!
No. 1088509 ID: 273c18

Is that a figure in the distance?
No. 1088510 ID: 184595

Is there anything but to move forward, into the forest?
No. 1088516 ID: f14228

Tracing the path of the lights seem the wisest. Maybe don't touch anything you needn't.
No. 1088542 ID: 8a1605
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Gabe looks to his partners and asks aloud, “Everyone in one piece? What now?”

“Well, Sifr mentioned a guide. But I don’t see anyone.” Kol states, twisting his lip up in thought.

“Should we follow the lights? Wherever we need to go, it seems like it’s through these… trees.” Casey points out.

“Okay, everybody stay close…” Kol says, taking the lead. “Remember: don’t attract attention.”

Together they step into the forest, trying to follow the general flow of the lights.

“You feel that?” Gabe asks, his fur standing up a little as if charged with static.

Casey nods, “I’m tingly. It must be the mana in the air. If it’s affecting us already, it’ll be even more intense the closer in.”

“You know, don’t know what I was expecting, but not this. What even are these things?” Gabe asks, poking a finger towards the strange “Trees”.

“They’re taproots. These trees grow from the elemental plane. Their roots extend down into this realm while their canopy stretches into the feywild.”
No. 1088543 ID: 33044e

gabe dont touch it, it might send mana coursing through your body or kill you

also probably prepare yourselves to be completely overwhelmed with mana, let it flow through you instead of trying to take it all on.
No. 1088544 ID: bcb9b2

wow the worlds are like, stacked? wild
is there any way for you guys to passivly release mana? none of binding, gateing, or spiriting really seem conducive to passive use
No. 1088545 ID: 273c18

Cross-planar organisms? Neat! What other things are there like that/
No. 1088546 ID: fa3034

With a steadily building amount of mana, It will be difficult to disperse that and also not attract attention. We need to be quick here.
No. 1088547 ID: bcb9b2

wait do the taproots draw mana from this plane? they could be a good way of getting rid of mana
No. 1088548 ID: 6ca62f

I'd like to say "don't fuck anything" while we're here, but given the gang's track record, who knows. If it does actually come up, it may, keyword being "may," not be a bad idea.
No. 1088566 ID: 665632

"passivly release mana"
That's an interesting idea. Casey's wings can probably do that. Kol has the puppet body control thing, though I don't imagine it's comfortable to maintain for long. Not sure what sender magic has that effect.

The trees are very interesting. I always look forward to see landscapes and scenes on other planes. They should visit feywild and elementry plane in the future.
No. 1088593 ID: f14228

I imagine deliberately feeding the roots with mana could have some consequence in the fey realm above, though. Should be careful with that as well - at least with channeling too much mana into a single tree, instead spread it out - assuming that's even possible and doesn't do that whole 'attract attention' bit.

Perhaps wait until it becomes urgent to try (but not too urgent)?

You also need to find a guide! Perhaps it would have been a good idea to call on Litany for advice before going? Then again, you don't know the 'old ways' of calling on Angels, do you Gabe?
No. 1088891 ID: 8a1605
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“Wait, how do you know that?” Casey asks, looking at her partner with skepticism. “I’ve never heard of that in all my studies of the feywild.”

“Me?” Kol asks, blinking back surprise. He looks around, as if confused that she’s addressing him. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

“What? Kol that doesn’t make sense.” Casey turns and demands, “Gabe, which one of use said that thing about the trees?”

The mouse looks back and forth nervously and admits, “I-I don’t know! I wasn’t really paying attention.”

“What? How would you not know? We sound nothing alike!” Casey grumbles.
No. 1088896 ID: c572e3

i think someone might be above you, or below you, or behind you.

whatever the case, i think your guide issues are solved.
No. 1088897 ID: 273c18

Haha I think someone else entirely said that. Perhaps it is our guide? Ask which way you should be going.
No. 1088900 ID: 3e4c55

None of you said that. Theres a 4th person here, but they haven’t revealed themself yet.
No. 1088903 ID: fa3034

We've already been guided to new knowledge. Isn't that something? Greet your guest.
No. 1088905 ID: eb0a9c

Waaait a minute.
I think we're the fourth (et al) persons.

*Deep Breath*
Does I haz your attention, mortal?
No. 1088906 ID: 16423f

WOW that is peak shenanigans, though I also can't believe none of US caught it either, that's pretty damn funny. ANYWAY say hi to the guide... wether or not they have a form, or are an amnbiguous voice in the wind
No. 1088909 ID: 184595

Is that a person-shape emerging between the roots? It might be the promised guide.
No. 1088910 ID: 3a8aa9

Casey breaaathe. Remember, stay calm. Anyway I think it's safe to say that you're not alone here, and why would you be? You're the visitors. What kind of host would leave unattended visitors?
No. 1089059 ID: debc82


Oh hey, voices in the magic plane.

Yeah, we probably should have foreseen that one.
No. 1089074 ID: 8a1605
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“Wait! Hold it!” Casey brings up her palms in a sort of rational wall against confusion. “There’s someone else here, right? Is this some kind of fey trick? You can come out now!”

There’s a shape in the mist: not a solid object, but a void roughly the size of a person.

“You were quick to catch on…” Says someone through Kol’s voice.

“Are- are you our guide?” Casey asks, squinting as she tries to make out any features of the speaker.

“I’m a shepherd of sorts.” Says Gabe’s voice. “The souls tend to get lost amid the roots without my help.”

“Oh, this is going to get confusing.” Kol states, “Nice to meet you. I’m Kol, this is Casey and Gabe.”

“Well met. I take it you’re trying to find the sea of mana and font of souls?” Says the guide through Casey’s voice.”
No. 1089075 ID: 16423f

trying to find the sea and mana and souls half-quickly, both to not suffer from the mana, and because we don't got much time up top
No. 1089077 ID: 8b8c72

Right on the first try!
Would it be so kind as to guide us there?
We're a bit pressed for time.
No. 1089082 ID: c65741

I suppose you're the one that tells us to be disturbingly vague about everything that happens down here? And we are trying to find the sea, but we're also here to seek wisdom from the uh... Big guys. Are we allowed to say their title down here?
No. 1089085 ID: eb0a9c

"Okay, so can you draw a diagram? Like everyone else, we'd like a map, but you know better than us of how complicated it gets around here, so we just need a simplified model of which conceptual areas are connected strongly."
No. 1089155 ID: 8a1605
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“Can you help us?” Casey asks the figure, “We’re running short on time. There’s people back on our plane that are counting on us.”

“I’ll take you as far as I can.” They respond, this time as Gabe. “But you are to tell no one of what you learn here.”

“We understand.” Casey nods, “Um, what should we call you?”

“You shouldn’t.” The voice responds, before sliding back into the fog, “Follow me.”

The mice scurry after them, trying to keep the stranger in sight: something easier said than done. Between the ever-present fog and shifting light of the lost souls, following the invisible figure requires constant attention.
No. 1089166 ID: fa3034

Be very careful not to get separated.
No. 1089167 ID: 273c18

To your left, Casey.
No. 1089168 ID: b3eab7

This. In fact, holding hands might be a good idea.
No. 1089185 ID: eb0a9c

Tie your tails together
No. 1089421 ID: 8a1605
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“Everyone stay close! Last thing we need is someone getting lost.” Casey reaches out for her partners and clasps Kol’s hand.

“Wait, where’s Gabe?” She asks.

Kol looks around, trying to peer through the haze of mana, “He was just here a minute ago.”
No. 1089422 ID: 273c18

Perhaps you can ask your guide?
No. 1089425 ID: c5249f

Surely he didn't go too far in the two panels that you last saw him in, being right before you ran into them.
No. 1089426 ID: 124485

Perhaps this is a test? Perhaps you're all supposed to be separated and taken to individual trials that you must pass and you’ll meet up again later?
No. 1089429 ID: eb0a9c

Tie the tails before you go off in search.
No. 1089433 ID: b3eab7

Before anything else, yell at the guide to wait, otherwise you'll be split up and stranded.
No. 1089435 ID: 665632

Could be purely coincidental, but--
First frame when the guide first spoke, it is using Kol's voice; Kol's not in the frame.
Second frame when the guide showed itself, it used all three mice voices alternatively, while none of them were in the frame.
Casey chased the guide in this frame, while it responded with Gabe's voice, who's again not shown.
No. 1089482 ID: 184595

This may be an opportunity to see how benevolent your guide is. Will it stop, so you can find Gabe? Will it urge you onwards, regardless? Come what may, don't let go of each other's hands, and don't abandon your Sender. Its the strength of your intimacy that has seen you here, and it would be a rank betrayal to ignore that now.
No. 1089555 ID: 8a1605
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“He can’t have gone far, right?” Kol says, looking in every direction. “Is this some kind of test?”

“I don’t know, but if we don’t do something we’re going to lose our guide!” Casey squints, trying to spot the translucent shape moving through the trees. “Hey! Wait up! Someone’s missing!” She calls out.

“Fuck! What do we do?” Kol asks.

The Binder frowns and comes to a conclusion. A glow extends from her tail and wraps around his. “Go find him. I’ll run ahead and try to get our guide to stop. Tug on the tendril once if you find him and twice if you need help.”
No. 1089563 ID: 7e6fd4

Oo that's a pretty good solution! If not for the fact that you're expending mana by doing that. Watch them tentacles, make sure they don't go out of control!
No. 1089569 ID: 273c18

We really don't have to worry about expending mana in here. Quite the opposite. However, we also can't attract attention by spending it in flashy ways.

Alright Kol needs to try retracing our steps while Casey follows the guide.
No. 1089575 ID: fa3034

Given the nature of this place I don't think there's a safe spot for Kol to project. Just focus on the feeling of the binding magic. If it falters or your tail goes numb, be very careful.
No. 1089587 ID: 184595

This is a trial that Casey's abilities are proving adept for; will there be other trials for Kol and Gabe? In the meantime, I think that Casey's tendrils could prove even more useful; could she send them out as feelers to try to give Gabe something to hold onto so she can reel him in?
No. 1089709 ID: 8a1605
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Casey takes off after the guide, waving her arm and trying to catch their attention. “Hey! Stop! Wait up!”

There’s no response from the invisible entity as it continues to bob through the fog.

“Spite me!” Casey seethes through her teeth. The Binder takes off in a dead run, silently thankful for Delilah’s training as her legs pump frantically.

Despite her efforts, the mouse finds herself no closer to the guide. As if trapped in Xeno’s paradox, the little hole in the fog continues on out of reach.
No. 1089710 ID: 8a1605
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Kol tests the drag of the binding spell before setting off to retrace their steps. Trying not to overlook anything, he takes his time, looking around every root for his partner. “Gabe! Gabe, where are you? Come on, man!”

His ears perk up as Gabe’s voice comes drifting through the fog. Sounding oddly distant, the Sender calls, “Kol?! Over here!”
No. 1089712 ID: c21ceb

Casey, save your breath. If you're not getting any closer while running, it may be a trick of the eyes, like a rainbow. Also don't yell and draw attention. Maybe hide if applicable. And Kol, Stay on your guard! That might not be Gabe. If they can mimic voices, there may be any other entities.
No. 1089714 ID: 273c18

Anything you can do to see better, or hear better, Kol?
No. 1089719 ID: fdd26b

Could be a formless voice, could be space fuckery, through a few questions that way, where are you what does it looks like what did we do yesterday etc.
No. 1089722 ID: fa3034

Open your senses. Focus. Is that truly him? Or just the fuzzy memory of him, like a dream?
No. 1089724 ID: b3eab7

Approach carefully, Kol. This can be Gabe, or not.
No. 1089729 ID: 7c1f1c

Kol has a lifeline, and we must trust in our lifeline; we pass or fail this trial as a unit. Having no other leads, I think it safe to trust our lifeline, and explore towards the voice. As you move to it, it can move to you; encourage it to do so. But in the midst of such bewildering magicks, a measure of caution is still warranted; speak to the voice of things only Gabe would know, and see how it responds.
No. 1089734 ID: a172c6

Of course all of you are panicking. All the Guardians before you had to take this test, but they're not allowed to talk about it, so all three of you have come in here blind on what's supposed to happen. It probably hasn't occurred to any of you that this is supposed to happen!

Sifr specifically told you that you'll find a guide and they’ll tell you what happens next.

The Guide told you to follow them, which you currently are not doing! All you need to focus on is following the Guide, not searching for Gabe. In fact, he's probably already out of this forest and both Kol and Casey are the ones that are lost, not the other way around.

Sifr also told you to not draw attention to yourselves and I'm pretty sure running around screaming for Gabe is attracting a lot of unwanted attention right about now!

Remember: This is all part of the test to become Guardians, which you are currently failing!

Stop looking for Gabe and just follow the Guide. It doesn't matter if you get split up because you will eventually meet back up later!
No. 1089741 ID: 124485

The spell on Kol's tail kinda looks ike it's been cut. I think something might have broken Casey's spell and they've been separated.

>Sifr said don't draw attention to yourselves
>called for Gabe is drawing attention
I think Casey using her magic might also draw attention that we don't want.
No. 1089811 ID: 8a1605
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“Gabe, is that you?” Kol calls back, worrying about Sifr’s warning.

“Yeah! Its me!” Gabe’s voice replies.

“… Prove it! The guide uses our voices, right?” Kol demands.

“What? Er… okay, how about this: this morning you and Raithe spit-roasted me while everyone else watched!” Comes the reply.

“Yep, that works! Hang on!” Kol nods and hurries in the direction of the voice.

He comes around the curve of a root and finds the Sender looking confused. “Dude, where’d you guys go?”

“We were following the Guide! What happened to you?”

Gabe points at an invisible figure a few dozen feet away and says, “So was I.”
No. 1089812 ID: c21ceb

Oh that's... confusing. Are they personalized? Is there something tricking Gabe? But maybe they're each off to confront one of the fates?
No. 1089814 ID: bcb9b2

Do not forget that this is a Trial, you three musketeers are gonna be tested, this is the first.
Hey Kol you should Signal Casey now
No. 1089815 ID: bcb9b2

wait will Casey even know to turn around? will the guide guide her back to us? ...Maybe gabe should try using the tether to make a portal to her? or should these to try to run/gate to her?
No. 1089838 ID: 273c18

Hmm. Well, you can follow both. Go with Gabe while Casey follows her guide. If either of you reach the destination then the tether can be used to guide the missing person(s).
No. 1089841 ID: 791ade

Was it ever specified there only would be one Guide?

Maybe you all got one each.

Still, you could have some insurance. Tie a loop of Casey’s binding to Gabe.
No. 1089856 ID: f4beea

>signal Casey
According to what >>1089741 said, the spell on Kol's tail looked like it was already broken and it's possible that we've been separated from Casey already.

But I don't know if that's true or not.

>Gabe points at invisible figure
>claims he was following Guide
I think the point of this is to separate everyone so they can take their own test and trying to stick together is running out the invisible time limit that Sifr implied we had in this place.
No. 1089975 ID: 184595

I'm worried about splitting up. These are the three bi mice, who always see each other through difficult situations. And Spirit Guardians always come in a set of three—has there ever been two who passed the trial, but a third who did not?

I hold that this is a test of sticking together, and we will pass it by resisting the proctors' efforts to split the team up. I don't think the lifeline to Casey is yet broken; the same glob of magic holding the lifeline to her tail is still affixed to Kol's, last we saw it. In this test, it is the power of the Binders that sees us through.

But it's sure that our time is short, and we should gather Gabe and rush back to Casey's side.
No. 1090024 ID: 8a1605
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“Wait, are there two guides?” Kol asks, blinking away shock.

“I never took my eyes off them.” Gabe insists, “I didn’t even realize you guys were gone until a minute ago.”

“Man, what the fuck is going on?” Kol clicks his tongue in frustration. “We should probably get moving. Shouting like that probably attracted attention, right?”

“Yeah, but what about Casey? Is she okay?”

“Oh, right!” Kol tugs on his tail, stretching the binding spell taut for a moment. ”She’s following the Guide too. At least I hope she is.”

“So what do we do now?” Gabe asks, looking anxious.

“If we’re following fae rules, we need to follow the guide above all else. I’ll stick with you, I guess, and we’ll hopefully meet up with Case on the other end of this forest.” Kol holds his hand out and Gabe takes it. “Hopefully we don’t get split up again.”
No. 1090025 ID: fa3034

Give each other a repetitive hand squeeze as you follow. If the rhythm is interrupted, be wary.
No. 1090026 ID: 3a8aa9

I don't think the forest is trying to trick you, I think this is a test of overcoming whatever's thrown at you, not anticipating it.
No. 1090027 ID: eb0a9c

Once again, tie tails.
Remember to yank your tail once like Casey said!
No. 1090111 ID: 8a1605
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Having felt Kol’s tug at her aura, Casey slows down. The mouse opts to conserve her energy, as long as the guide remains perpetually out of reach. Taking deep breaths, she calms her heartbeat and lets the rush of adrenaline fade.

She kicks herself mentally a little, knowing that this is the kind of trick fae like to pull on guests: assuming the guide is even a fae.

After what seems like entirely too much walking, the mouse finds herself at the edge of the great rooted forest and looks around. The glow of mana is even brighter ahead and there’s some kind of shimmer in the air that’s hard to discern.

“Casey! Hey!” Gabe’s voice catches her attention and she turns to see her partners emerging from the mist.
No. 1090115 ID: fa3034

Link back up but be mindful not to lose sight of your guide.
No. 1090120 ID: 273c18

Is that really your tether? Confirm it.
No. 1090147 ID: bcb9b2

you should probably tether Gabe as well, so you aren't stuck holding hands the whole time, you probably need those hands for something sooner or later
No. 1090167 ID: 8a1605
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Casey waves and eyes the pair cautiously, “Wait, how do I know you guys are really Kol and Gabe?”

Kol reaches back and tugs on his tail. Casey feels a corresponding tug at her own tail and accepts that as suitable evidence. “How about Gabe?”

“Yeah, its him.” Kol confirms.

“Yup, I told him about how earlier he was spitroasting me with Raithe, while you were in the middle of a Miki sandwich.” Gabe replies.

“Yeah, that tracks.“ The mouse nods, confident in her knowledge of her partner. She extends another binding tendril, connecting the trio together by the tail, “What happened? How’d we get split up?” Casey asks.

“I don’t know. Gabe was apparently following the guide the whole time, so I just stuck with him.” Kol shrugs. “Maybe there are two guides?”

“Speaking of. Where’d our guide go now?” Gabe asks, looking around. Ahead of them, the roots seem to thin out, revealing a vast pallid-grey sea of dunes. The lost souls waft out over the desert , headed towards some kind of strange glitter on the horizon.
No. 1090168 ID: 273c18

I don't think you need them anymore. Head towards the glitter.
No. 1090171 ID: 3a8aa9

It could be a bad thing that we lost the one part of this journey that we were warned of/were expecting but it'll probably be fine.

Also maybe don't go towards that glitter. If dead folks are going there, then that means you're on the wrong path.
No. 1090183 ID: 7c1f1c

"The only way out is through;" a Spirit Guardian is one who has walked the paths of the dead. If our guide has left now that the mice are out of the forest of roots, then there is nowhere else to go but forward, following the flight of souls.

But do try to be cafeful--you don't want to draw too much attention to yourselves.
No. 1090187 ID: bcb9b2

how did we get here? the answer is did you expect a plane more or less made of mana to be stable.
the soul trail is still the best bet, in lieu of the guide, who we might meet again, or might not. Onward!
No. 1090188 ID: fa3034

That's quite the long walk. But would using a gate be wise?
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