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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
120 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1088762 ID: dd3fe0

No. 1088781 ID: 5ebd37

Life, an understandable revenge. In a healthy society she would get psychiatric help, but then, in a healthy society she wouldn't have been pushed to murder in the first place.
No. 1088784 ID: ab46e9

Despite the fact that she killed brutally and had no remorse or clean behavior about it, I can't think of a single person who actually has a loved one that wouldn't try to enact vengeance if theirs was killed. Hell, we have countless 'revenge' movies on this subject where we're supposed to empathize with and cheer the person doing the revenge. A court (clearly) made for entertainment deserves a verdict made for entertainment.

Life it is. Just watch your back out there, miss.
No. 1088812 ID: 8f9bc4

Can we hire her? This place could use someone that skilled at tearing guilty people to pieces.
No. 1089292 ID: 15a025


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1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
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No. 1089047 ID: 3f89df
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Now, with a new day on the horizon and the sound of a caravan passing by the roads, I ask for your assistance, Muni, on what we should prioritize now.
No. 1089051 ID: eb0a9c

Well... fine. Just... be careful. Even if he was a hero, what is he right now? What is he going to be if the crisis keeps growing?
I'll give him some time. We'll see how this plays out.

That's very insightful. You're the expert on magic, not us.

Alright, I did some 'training' on settlement tactics. It's complicated.
Everything begins with food. Make sure you have enough to perform at least one mid-term project. If not, then concentrate your efforts on securing more, no matter how tempting the other gambits.
Next, put all your efforts into chopping trees. You need space, building materials, and fuel, and the local trees can give you all of that. As long as your numbers are low, the devastation on the environment should be minimal, even if you clear out a glade.
And be daring! You're kind of desperate, so look for high-risk adventures to give you an edge in new resources and powers found in these dark woods!
No. 1089079 ID: 2f41db

A passing caravan brings opportunity grey mother.
Trade, gossip, information.
Perhaps even a good price for some of your muffalo should you be worried about lising them.
Primarily there could be trade to be had.

Regarding another issue.
The slavery.
I do not like it.
At all.
but it could be worth bringing in three because you are spread too thin for the work needed right now.
As such, i have a proposal grey mother.
One that may be more in line with the philosophy of a group seeking to be free of their own masters...

The three you "buy", once their previous owner is out of earshot, make them an offer.
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No. 1089081 ID: eb0a9c

In the case of Indentured Servitude, I would propose we give the slaves the option of Double or Nothing.
Option (A): They leave, with nothing but the clothes on their back. They're completely free.
Option (B): They stay, their pay is docked to minimum possible wage (which you then have them use to pay for room and board and a few goodies here and there) until they have made what you bought them for - at which point, to their surprise, you then give them double the monetary value of what they produced for you. So now, not only do you pay back what should have been their wages but then give a gift out of the profits you made from their labor, showing that civilizations make far more than what they pay their citizens and you are willing to give some of that profit back to them. This should solidify their loyalty. From there, wages are normal, along with incentives, sidequests, and XMAS bonuses.
No. 1089160 ID: 5ebd37

Wow you got all that done in a day? That's some great work ethic.

If you must do slavery, this is the closest to moral way to do it.

Hail the caravan. Even if you have nothing to trade yet it's good to see whats on the market.

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965999 No. 965999 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The elven kingdoms are despised,
So much so that the Prismaticans damned their souls to create the "Harroctar".
The Harroctar are abominations that live only to hunt and kill elves.

Thye are hounds unleashed, nothing can control them,
for three hundred years they have slaughtered elves.
In three hundred years the elven kingdoms fell from the masters of the world to shadows.
Today the wrath of the slayers fall upon the Kingdom of Maerieyelle

Three would be survivors huddle in terror, having just watched friends and family torn to pieces.
aid them if you can, or let them perish and fade into memory
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No. 1085301 ID: 2f41db

Now that shes calm, in whisper ask her how she got here.
There must be some form of conveyance if the waterway isnt the route she entered by.

Once we know what it is, then maid dalvari may know where itd be kept.
Then theyd be able to decide ifnit was practical.

In the mean tine, im guess the siren is aquatic enough to stay underwater.

May be if she bunches up and tucks down low, staying still as a stone, itd be enough to keep them from spotting her, even if they were to enter the room.

The waterfall would be churning the surface of the water a little and the small amount of noise it offers would combine to give her cover while the elven ladies consider the next move.
No. 1086233 ID: f27581

Check if the cake trolley would make sound with weight on it. If is silent enought then we can carry her, even so I suspect a future situation where the siren will be left behind on screams while the survivors escape with tears on her eyes.

Maybe we can use the plug to make sound and leave a distraction behind if we have to leave hastly.
No. 1089118 ID: 0d1c28
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The drain cover is replaced, and could be blocked to over flow the kitchen, but the elves would need to leave quickly to avoid getting wet feet.
Hiding and waiting for an opportunity worked for the survivors, perhaps it could work for the siren?

The trolleys are well maintained their wheels never squeak Iolantha sure of it.
She's used one before, very fine elven craftmanship the leather lined wheels seem to dull sounds and the frame might be able support a heavy siren, the maid is not sure she's strong enough to move them but is willing to try

The nearest source of flowing water will be the stream in the cave of memory, the water connects to the river and eventually out to sea.

The maid asks the siren how she got here the siren explains that she slowly slid her moist body across the dining room floor.
No. 1089139 ID: 38688b

Ask her to choise her poison: "Do you prefer risk to wait or traven in the trolley. We can't assure we can pull you all the way"

When Harroctar attacks there are usually rescue or extermination parties?
No. 1089151 ID: 2f41db

No custom conveyance.

Cart then unless she wants to try hiding at the bottom and hoping they miss her.

Perhaps the cart could be moved by two elves while the most stealthy could lead the way.

Of the three id expect maid dalvari to be the stronger, most used to physical labour though perhaps florist syndra may match her.
The most quiet step id say belongs to maid dalvari.
Serving staff are adept at moving without notice among lords and ladies so as not to disturb them
While her stealth may not be a match for a scout or thief, she is certainly the most able of the trio.

Florist and poet aid the siren. Two moving the cart will give them a little more speed.

Maid scouts ahead and checks each corridor, guiding their motion by hand signal or falling back if its a more detailed instruction or plan to share.

The escape this offers the siren may also offer the elves escape too.

If the siren can help them once shes in her element, then she could swim them through any submerged sections quicker than they could get through themselves.
Presuming the stream is fully submerged at points.

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1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1088890 ID: 2f41db

Dont trust those spots in the open field.
Rock looks very defensible but very visible.
That said, jormy is probably getting all the attention so that's lesser of an issue.
Fresh stream might be a good start point for game trails.

I say go with the sandy patch clearing.
More room to work with.
There could be something lurking in the sand like some kind of horrific giant antlion, but thats a positive to some of the more hunthungry folk.
No. 1088899 ID: 273c18

I couldn't quite tell what the shield does. Is it like a trampoline or something?
The sand seems like it might work for a landing zone. It's softer then landing on rocks that's for sure. How are we going to handle water supplies in the staging post? Regular deliveries?

You know, I just realized I don't know how close to the ground the portal down there is. Does it actually cut into the ground to make a "hole"? Where did all the stuff that was there go, in that case...?
No. 1088904 ID: f3171e

Good point, sand would cushion the landing.
No. 1088908 ID: 80c73b

Hmm. I'm inclined to go with either the rock or the sand, though I'm wondering about things hiding in the sand. How's your water supply, though? Would the river be notably useful?
No. 1089014 ID: 56db77

I say go with the rock, who knows what those dark spots are, the sand could conceal all manner of horrible burrowing monstrosities, and while fresh water is nice the stream isn't really shaped in a way to make for a good defensive barrier.

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1085129 No. 1085129 ID: 75b262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ciarán, my brother, intends to summon the soul-devouring Airceacháin to start a war. It was my mother’s last wish that I, Ráichéalín Uí Liatháin, return from exile to end his madness.

Lazy Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy

Takes Place Immediately After POV 7: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1064862.html#1064862
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No. 1085260 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about homosexuality!
No. 1085321 ID: 5ebd37

She's grown as a person. And she definitely wouldn't immediately follow that apology with trying to start a game of Never-Have-I-Ever.
No. 1085329 ID: 7c55ad

Yes! apology in a form of a game!
No. 1086597 ID: 2f41db

I outright -love- 99 bottles of beer, but its more of a scene closer than opener.

She asks pierre about all those warnings he was given by the churchies about the depraved, predatory womenfolk lying in wait out here for him.
Get some deets.
Get some heat into his cheeks.

Let him slowly realise he's now the protagonist in his own multi species harem story.
Just like in those very forbidden eastern shun-ga wood carving stories he saw.
No. 1088901 ID: 4c750c

Love the Landi apology idea! Perhaps it goes to the church warning deets after?

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1086407 No. 1086407 ID: eb0a9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Note: Made with GANBot.
Warning: Not Safe For Work. May contain sexual content. Will contain gore, violence, and child abuse.
Posts will be very slow.
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No. 1087596 ID: eb0a9c

"And that's the first episode!"
"OMGS, I can't wait to watch it!"
"And did you hear? The lead villain the next episode is going to be played by Zackie Comlock!"
"EEEEEEEEEE! I loved him as the voice of The First Amongus!"
And then they started kissing. Which is... cool, I guess. But I can't understand how anyone could be attracted to a whiny, vapant brat, even another whiny, vapant brat. If I wasn't their enemy, this would be purely insufferable.

I've been studying the help for about two hours, and instead of doing their jobs, all the maids and cooks are busy talking about the New Continent's latest glams. Glams! Those things cost about a tablespoon of pure gold to attend!
I knew something was weird about that head maid's clothes. All the servants are paid more than four times what we give ours. Which was a bad idea, because instead of working four times harder they end up working half as hard. There's muck and grime across the upper walls, nobody cleans my footsteps, and now the maids are spending their overblown wages on expensive magic-powered shows.
But, their loss, the Coalition's gain. I'm not going to tell the Horde Collective to stop wasting money just so it can murder us harder.

They're starting to suspect me, but I'm starting to learn their tells in turn. Seems the overlord has some quirks, a cut-and-dry personality when talking to anyone that isn't far underqualified for their purpose. As long as I stick to the script - keep walking, ask a few questions about whatever gossip they have going on, put military matters first - they don't look at me funny. I just need to stick to my cover story - I got high on whatever that multi-eared goblin roofied me with last night,
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No. 1087600 ID: dd3fe0

Yes, and theeaten, "If that horrible yowling and crashing doesn't stop, I'm going to shoot everyone even vaguely present in the face!"
No. 1087689 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1088434 ID: eb0a9c
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I got this... I got this.

"Oheeey Capn Overlordy, wassap."
I don't got this.
"I... did you..."
"NooooOOOooooOOOO? OOOOO? OOOOhat?"
"Nevermind. I'm heading out tomorrow, you're in... something. Not in charge. Just... do whatever Tibberloch tells you. Don't... break the capital while I'm gone."
"...Pffahahahaha! Wellissnthanice! You-you-you forGOT! Is MY turn! But now you take my turn! Thassnice. You're NOT giving my turn-turn, though? Or isssit turn-turn-turn? Just turn? ANYWAYS I DON' OWE YOU, YOU OWE ME AND NOW YOU PAYING THE OWE ME THAT YOU UNOWED I! AHA!"
"Why do I keep you around?"
Yes, why does the Overlord keep this drunk mess around?
"I... Iunno. Maybe it's becaussss... I MURDERED that egg!"
Suddenly all the eggs scattered in the room start floating. Huh, her Trigger must be really easy to memorize if she can do it this drunk.
"AN' THIS e'!"
Okay, now that one turned blue... cute...
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No. 1088892 ID: 5ebd37

Bluff bluff bluff
You can't sleep with her tonight because... ..... becausssse... because all these eggs are really turning you off. Yes you hate eggs now, and just the thought will have you not in the mood for hours.

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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
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No. 1088699 ID: 681cb5
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With unnatural grace, the creature climbs out of the pit, revealing its full form. A headless scarecrow, whose one arm is a mutated mess of flesh and bone, while the other has a lantern made from a crows head hanging from it. But what disturbs you the most is how it moves. It floats through the air, as if each step it takes with its long legs has been rehearsed for years and now it’s expertly performing an impossible dance, just for you. This elegance is in stark contrast to its disgusting, oscillating arm which it drags behind it without a care…

THE FOOL: “You will die here…” the scarecrow does a pirouette as it walks towards you, seemingly showing off its new body, “Just like all the other gullible fools! CAWAHAHA!”

Gokk grunts behind you as he ready his axe, while Orma starts chanting something under her breath… you try and pull your knife, but find it already in your hand

THE FOOL dances closer, right on the edge of a pit…
A consequence of the reckless and naïve.
No. 1088701 ID: 19ea25

Good to know we've found the crow. Whether what was a true form or just her remains after running ahead. Given how the head glows it may be prudent to remove the headed arm for any potential magical danger, but the legs.. It is tempting to cut them to stop the dance.
No. 1088704 ID: 5ebd37

The lack of anatomy on this thing is bad news for you. The only target for a knife throw is the arm where it's held on by sinews, but that will tack more than one throw.
Unfortunately I'd say you are most useful in this fight as a distraction. Try to set it up so Gokk can chop its legs off.
No. 1088705 ID: 273c18

Be careful. Don't charge in, it's staying near the pits because it wants to knock people into them.
No. 1088756 ID: 7c0da2

Approach The Fool from the right so it can't get into your blind side. Let Gokk attack first and try to trip the thing if it tries do dodge him. Try not to look the severed head in the eyes, just in case.

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1078964 No. 1078964 ID: 0ba437 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

PART ONE: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1002454.html

Thousands of thousands of years ago, a Grand Slime was murdered by a mysterious entity known as the Void King.
Thousands of thousands of years later, Nemo reawakens with only a few fractured memories of her former life.
She quickly reunites with two of her broken pieces, and sets out to explore the world in search of the remaining fragments of her shattered core.
After accidentally uncovering and releasing a strange figure imprisoned in stone, Nemo meets another unfortunate end, and it's up to her other parts, Humphrey and Mirrow, to carry on the mission to reunite themselves.
Elsewhere, but not too far away, a runaway Elsekin named Sam is trapped in a dense forest filled with hostile vines.
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No. 1088150 ID: 273c18

Your spell is very effective now which means you can pick up the pace! Follow the path quickly.
No. 1088163 ID: f14228

Well, better hurry before what fuels this runs out.
No. 1088164 ID: 8f9bc4

Shining Fist chaaaaaarge!
No. 1088167 ID: cd48aa

Hurrah! Hurry!
No. 1088218 ID: 5ebd37

make haste, your body might not be able to keep this up for long.

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1087480 No. 1087480 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You're all under arrest for murder and attempted transgenic blasphemy.
In truth, none of you had the slightest acquaintance with Saul Arbest until a chance encounter on the 4:15 midhive eastbound train, less than an hour before the incident.
During that time, what did he talk to you about?
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No. 1087525 ID: 3f01d5

rolled 4, 3 = 7

Options chosen:

Career skill: Trade Merchant (Fellowship)

Career Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),Pistol Weapon Training (Las)

Starting Gear:Sword, compact laser pistol and 1 charge pack Psy focus is a small wooden necklace on a wool rope with this symbol

Lets put my sanctioning brand (Of I assume to be the religion of Holy Terra) on the nape of my neck in the back below the hairline. Lets say my tattered robe has a hood that I use typically to keep it covered just by draping it not really always having the hood up though also an option.

book of Imperial Saints

Yay I get to keep my armor!
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No. 1087535 ID: 521475

>rolled 8, 6, 6, 9, 1, 2,

divination, 12: “The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation.” Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
nOble bOrn skills
You begin play with Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int).
nOble bOrn traits
Noble born gain the following Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet:
Nobles are schooled in how to comport themselves in all manner of formal situations.
Effect: You gain a +10 bonus on Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations.
supremely Connected
Nobles have extensive connections and you know that dropping the “right” names into a conversation can open more doors than a fistful of Thrones.
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No. 1087597 ID: 521475

>entrance exams
>on her way to a big career in the military.
Was on her way there today, of all the rotten luck. Stuck in a cell, getting grilled about some rando's mushrooms, while every soon-to-be-cadet who showed up on time is taking the written portion of their exam. Better luck next year, assuming she can scrape together another load of bribes by then.
No such thing.
No. 1087900 ID: 3f01d5
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rolled 1, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 2, 9, 8, 8 = 51

Taranis, Donato M.
Sex: Female
Hair: Blond
Height: 160cm
Weight: 68kg
Eyes: Grn
Age: 50

Donato Taranis, of house Taranis, is a noble born woman. Slight genetic deviance, resulting in large pointed ears and differential developmental milestones/timeline. Her family isolated her for much of childhood due to these differences, giving her a rather sheltered upbringing.

Divination, 12: "The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
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No. 1088090 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 4, 8, 7, 1, 10, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6 = 49

Harida twiddles her legs.
"Sooo... can you, like, tell the [Academy] that you brought me in for questioning?" [Charm]

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1079954 No. 1079954 ID: e139aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Flockload of Problems II

Part I: >>/questarch/1066631
Discussion: >>/questdis/139947

NSFW because nudity and probably other things, 18+, etc. etc.

Continued apologies to Lagotrope, Slinko, Typo and Roaway.
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No. 1087893 ID: 0a0dce

If you do reset Conduit, sign back at Li.ni.si to have the incapacitator ready for the seapi.
No. 1088032 ID: 6b6d79

Ask the seapi if it wants you to harm the sky demon.

Frankly, it's had it's say. Call it old, and that you would rather trust someone experienced with working through that kind of dishonor, because that is all you are going to find as you investigate.

It's time for it to be repackaged into form unable to interfere.
No. 1088074 ID: 273c18

Hmm I wonder how Conduit would react to the information that Vi.al is going to be here soon?
No. 1088081 ID: 4e090a

>It's time for it to be repackaged into form unable to interfere.
This isn't a bad idea. Can you store them as a cube without access permissions or something without destroying their consciousness? That way they can't cause any harm, but any information they have stays intact.
No. 1088083 ID: b3eab7

Still cruel (possibly even worse).
Order them to enter powersave mode instead.

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1075139 No. 1075139 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A short quest about dealing with the troubles of your daily work hours.
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No. 1086757 ID: 37587f

I gotta be honest, I got no clue of what the hell happened over there. Did we unlock the true ending or are we supposed to go through endings A to E while carrying the key item that unlocks the TRUE SUPREME OMEGA ENDING? Or does this even has a real ending at all?
Well, I'd like to watch this movie again with a different outcome. Like "Clue the movie."
Anyway. Absolute peak cinema. Keep cooking, I love your job.
No. 1086783 ID: eb0a9c

I think we're done with the quest. Good work.
No. 1086876 ID: c75e0b

I would like to know what this story was about. Where were we? What were making an impact on? And what impact was it?
No. 1086886 ID: 2f41db

If we do have a behind the scenes or explaned section, maybe in a discussion thread?
To keep this as is for those who will read after.

If there is more, im here for it.
If its done, then thanks for the weird journey.
No. 1087668 ID: fbe348
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This movie has only one ending and it was one that you made happen. As for the answers they can be received but only if you want for this story to continue or leave it at this position as a satisfying ending.

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1055064 No. 1055064 ID: 1015ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 1:>>/questarch/985116
Chapter 2:>>/questarch/1007458
Chapter 3:>>/questarch/1034710

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/x9QHPvzhdD


There's nobody left to help.
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No. 1086430 ID: 273c18

3, if we really can't just inject it while yelling YOLO.
I hope this will confirm my suspicion that Nanoweaver is the one you can't trust.
No. 1086556 ID: 15a025

No. 1086590 ID: b3eab7

3. Let's ask Nanoweaver.
No. 1087474 ID: 26801d

Option 3
No. 1087493 ID: 26801d

Also, as much as you probably don't want to hear this... is it possible that Jin-r brutalized you because she also this... "pacification trigger" that went haywire? Is it possible you may have beat her up after the fight because you have one that also went haywire?

I also wonder when it'd be a good time to ask why Jin wears those shades all the time. Like... who wears sunglasses indoors? Unless their vision is augmented, or it's an unusual fashion statement, what if something has happened to her eyes?

There's also another thing bugging me. If these shards belonged to the head of this entire facility, why were they just... left behind, buried under a desk? That's kinda weird. Hell, why did the scientists leave anyway

Something strange is happening. Like, should we be asking why all the scientists have left when their projects aren't done yet? Was it really just that they didn't need to be there anymore because the war ended? That doesn't really track with what we've seen of some of them struggling emotionally with the very concept of the program and then forming emotional attachments with the clones.

And about that war... I feel like we should be significantly alarmed that the world is ending soon. Why aren't you more alarmed by this?! What happened to the nations, the armies, the leaders, the scientists, that princess we saw and everything that everyone was fighting for?! That shit doesn't just go away. Did everyone get nuked? Did the earth itself turn over and swallow everything whole? What's happened to this world, and what's the deal with the Weave?

What the fuck is happening?!

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993309 No. 993309 ID: ead888 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

WARNING: Proximity to unknown PLANET is approaching negative values! WHEEE!

Initialise and eject REPTEKA cargo before their DAY becomes a BAD DAY.
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No. 1086525 ID: 58e2d5

>we probably need a real big yolky to help move them, or multiple big yolkies!
Even though we were told it would probably take a week to roll Rad Yolky back home, having other Yolkies assist us could definitely speed things up!

The only problem is that it takes one full day for the eggs to hatch after Blu lays them. Would we be able to protect everyone for that long?
No. 1086557 ID: 031458

Hmm... We could try reconfiguring into a composite of sorts...

Attach Spotter Head to Long Body neck.
Attach Pod Body neck to Long Body rear.
Attach Basic Body neck to Pod Body rear.
Attach Bubble Tail to Basic Body rear.
Attach Stinger Arms to Basic Body rear.
Attach All Leg components to Pod Body.
Attach Chem Lazer to Long Body.
Attach Handy Arms to Long Body.
Attach Crackling Wand to top of Spotter Head.
Attach Snipper Head to Handy Arm wrist.
Attach Bucket Head to Handy Arm wrist.
Attach Jelly Tail to Pod Body spine.

With a singular massive body, roll Rad Yolkie home. Have him eat a little toxic waste first though, not alot.

It maybe be a good idea to hug blue first and have them lay the really big egg just so y'all have more mobility. Bury it so it has a chance to survive. So you might be able to come back for it.
No. 1087127 ID: a7a180

Use the chem laser on Rad Yolky to convert some mass back into toxic waste?
Definitely lay all the yolkys and use them to roll Rad Yolky home.
Rocks, if you have to stop before you're back at the ruins you can dig a temporary hole to shelter Rad Yolky in.
No. 1087135 ID: dba62b

Lure the HUG RADMOEBAS to RAD YOLKY with toxic waste or a similar food item. Have them congregate around and under RAD YOLKY, and use vines to bind them all together in a kind of harness rig. The bound HUG RADMOEBAS will form a kind of self-mobile bed/sled that can be directed around by taking advantage of their rudimentary instincts. Assisting RAD YOLKY'S mobility, RAD YOLKY will ride/ambulate upon this sled of HUG RADMOEBAS back to home.
No. 1087331 ID: 8f9bc4

Hold hands. You are now a REPTEKA three times bigger than any one of you. Move RAD YOLKY with ease, REPTEKAZORD!

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1062275 No. 1062275 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen


The first bite refreshes me. I can feel my mind wake and I'm aware of myself once more.

But, the meat is sour. It is from an emergency stash. One that I would only use as a last resort.
And this is definitely a last resort. Parts of me are still splattered all over the place. Another tick and I've have become one of the feral lost ones.

It's gross. A brain from some forgotten place. A building where those who were deemed unfit for society were kept. Still, with half of my own head blown off I don't really have much of a choice, do I?

I ward off the sour taste and focus on healing. My own brain starts to restore, along with my head, my face.

I'll have to get a new eye again.
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No. 1087119 ID: a7a180

Aim yourself at Fio. Put your arm out to stop yourself at the wall. Kabedon the puppeteer.
No. 1087186 ID: ba4248

This is our chance, bros, we can take over and get her a FAT HORSECOCK
No. 1087201 ID: eb0a9c

I want to say yes, but that's crossing lines into personal intrusiveness that even we aren't supposed to breach.

Maybe if we satisfy her deepest desires and get her a centauress body. [i]Maybe[i].
No. 1087204 ID: ea63b3

Hey. Hey. Hey Jane-Body. Raise your middle finger in an insulting gesture at the wizard for doing that without warning.

Then do a backflip and land successfully. Jane's cool and physically fit, she can totally do backflips.
No. 1087239 ID: 7657d6

Yes, do the kabedon!

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1083842 No. 1083842 ID: eb314c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Eat magic. How hard could it be?
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No. 1084831 ID: 443b73

What do you have to trade? If you don't have money but have some loot go to a general merchant with similar items to barter. If you have some coins buy food and try to start a friendly talk with the merchant about the city and the market.
The goal here is general information and to learn how well you can interact. You should only buy magical items after getting a grasp on the relative value of money around here and if you have enough to spend.
No. 1084832 ID: 273c18

The adventurer-targeting stalls might be willing to barter with the non-coin items you've got, and you can at least ask them where you can sell your stuff.
No. 1084846 ID: dd3fe0

New long term goal: Found a mage school, with the express goal of inventing and refining wholly new types of magic and recreating lost fields of magic from first principles.

After all, renewable resources and sustainable agricultural practices are all the big thing these days, aren't they?

Another quick question, does your species get along well with other types of dragons? Are various types of dragons interfertile and socially compatible in general? What cognitive and cultural barriers are there to dragons cooperating and coordinating long term?

Another another quick question, are there any weird sorts of supernatural empowerment or willworking paradigms which exist but are not typically considered 'magic', either semantically or by your own nature? Stuff like psionics, ki, spirit or soul manipulation that's wholly distinct from what necromancers or conjurers get up to, that sort of thing?
No. 1086834 ID: d150ea

What magic can you perform? Simple illusions and light tricks are good for impressing the public if theyre not used to magic, but itd also be good to know if you can unleash fireballs or the like.
No. 1086842 ID: dba62b

Consideration of larger, longer-term goals should be put on the backburner for now, broad strokes aside. At present the priority needs to be on acquiring contacts and a revenue stream. Affiliating with common adventurers is a plebeian debasement, but potentially lucrative and suitable for one who otherwise lacks an established background in the local burghs. Institutions of magi are of interest, yet they are also places most liable to host wizards powerful enough to see through this masque and threaten a being of our grandeur; it would be dangerous to set out for them directly, at least for now. Proclaim ourself an adventurer hailing from distant lands and inquire about; state that we search for comrades-in-arms in whichever place as they are like to congregate, with a speciality and eye towards subjugating malevolent sorcerers and their ilk.

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1014571 No. 1014571 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This quest where you gotta help a Pizza deliver guy deliver a pizza in 30 updates, or less… Or sabotage his efforts!


Message from PEA: This quest is mainly created to help kick me outta my long hiatus and gain the motivation to get back into making my main quest Enclosed Curtains again. With that in mind, this quest will very stupid, so plz don’t take this quest seriously. Just enjoy the journey and don’t worry about the destination. The art style might change as I want to also use the quest to practice my art skills and experiment with new art styles and find out what I’m most comfortable with. I will try to update once every few days but once a week the latest will try to be the requirement. I have a rough work schedule, so plz bear with me.

The quest will be cut into 3 sections, a prologue, the 30 update countdown, and then an epilogue. Right now, we’ll be going through the prologue before we start the countdown. Sometime before we begin the countdown, I will explain the rules. But as of now, the prologue will just introduce characters and this world, and getting yourselves prepared for the pizza guy’s next delivery.

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No. 1086161 ID: 30f3c0

Give her the coordinates and your reservations about it.
No. 1086214 ID: 2b155e


I agree with this suggestion.
No. 1086225 ID: 5ebd37

Jerry just had a reconciliation with someone he wronged in the past, I think he should give Cannie the chance to do the same.

should buy the ID phone and the kodama doll
No. 1086240 ID: 0ce5cf

Let's start with Cannie, as that's a pretty big can of worms. Short answer: Jerry should give Cannie the coordinates.

Cannie isn't a great person, and I don't think she's really changed all that much. She's always been a bitch, and she still is here. Importantly however, she does want to do the right thing. Cannie makes a lot of bad choices, but she isn't straight up evil or anything. She just has a lousy temper and a power that seems tied to her anger. She doesn't deserve to be banished from her home forever because of that. If her family doesn't want to be with her, that's one thing, but that wasn't the story we were told. Her family didn't cast her away, they just wanted to stay for personal reasons. Even if they did fight, we don't know that they don't want her back.

Cannie may be a biased storyteller, but hers is the only account we have to consider at the moment. She admitted to enough of her own faults that I think we can accept it as true for the time being, if perhaps leaving out details others would find critical. With all of that in mind: Cannie deserves a chance to go home and protect her family. She left before, abandoning them to fight without her. Now she wants to make things right, and I think she deserves that chance.

Mary will be against it, he's made his thoughts on her clear. Make sure you talk to him about it before you give Cannie your answer.

Instead of having Jerry tell Cannie anything, I think it'd be better to let Mary talk to her before she goes. He's been on the other side of a familial relationship with someone like her, so I'm sure he has plenty of things he'd like to say to her. Not that he hasn't said a bit already, but I think it'd be right to let him have the last word on this.

With that settled: Jerry actions!

- Have a drink with Cannie:
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No. 1086790 ID: 75b262

For Cannie, this is a tough decision, but I vote to give her the coordinates. She’s not the greatest person, but she’s carrying a boatload of regrets and her ship’s full of holes. She’s gonna sink into despair at this rate, and she has no coping mechanisms to bail herself out of this. So before I drown in boat metaphors, let’s cast off any doubt: let’s give her the coordinates.

She’s not happy now, she’s got no happy future here, and the only resolution she sees is in going back. There’s death and destruction back home, but it’s still home. Godspeed, Cannie. Jerry should wish her not a good time, but a goodbye, and have a final drink with her to speed her along.

Now that that’s outta the way…


Hell yeah, donuts. Thank you, brave 17 countries, for your sacrifice. We’ll think of you every time we taste this delicious donut.


1. Drink with Cannie

2. Read the Newspaper to see if there are any fockses rooting around in the trash or blonde streakers in alleys
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1055459 No. 1055459 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

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No. 1086723 ID: 5ebd37

Get some blank folders and write "Do Not File" on them. It probably won't work but at least you'll have some decoys, saving you from otter defeat.
No. 1086724 ID: cdd83a

The copy machine obviously. Dont even need to open the folder. Just put the folder in the copy machine and then copy it!

Only thing we need after is some paste. Got any in the office?
No. 1086732 ID: 8f9bc4

That's a good idea and in no way going to result in disaster when we get the files mixed up ourselves.
No. 1086749 ID: 2f41db

It IS a good idea.
Haaang on. That wasnt an otter pun, was it?
Couldnt be.
In case of deersaster.
No. 1086752 ID: 031458

Wood, Jungle

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1050662 No. 1050662 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Chinzebeth VII is a NSFW clothing damage quest featuring YCH cameos check Discussion for more info

This is the story of Queen Chinzebeth the seventh
The year is x3146 the most dramatic point of her long reign.
it is summer on the Continental platform Ilax hovering over the planet Beta-Earatone
Durring a routine ceremony peace was shattered (Part 1)

Invasion has begun. The Royal guard have failed to contain the situation and the Queen is in danger.
Corporal Grimothy and his hardened commando team have been called into action has been called into action to end this conflict but are they enough?
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No. 1085096 ID: a54373

Grimothy, grapple Rhonda and use her as a shield to protect from Rodrick.
No. 1085097 ID: 75b262

No. 1086558 ID: 0d1c28
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Grimothy grabs Rhonda

Rhonda: "Gah! Let me go! Rodrick help me!"

Rodrick: "Sounds a whole lot like your problem, not mine!"

Rodrick delivers a hefty slash against Konda

Konda: "Hrn! You'll pay for that!"

Enemies and allies will take turns acting
Select a single character to act and explain what they do

-CT01 Grimothy (already acted this turn)
-CT02 Konda
-PH01 Corrathyn
-PS01 Carlene

No. 1086559 ID: a7a180

Konda: Staunch the bleeding!
No. 1086608 ID: 7c55ad

I will repeat my previous suggestion
Corrathyn: head towards the hall of relics. we can no longer take the catacombs' secret escape as it is likely lord Lung is waiting over there.

Carlene will follow later

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1086567 No. 1086567 ID: 4819de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]







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No. 1086569 ID: 15a025

Awesome hat!
Awesome blue skin!
No. 1086571 ID: 5ebd37

Awesome sunglasses, so we can be quickly identified in a crowd shot.

Awesome purple, the special color
No. 1086572 ID: a51c51


AWESOME MAGENTA (the colour that doesn't actually exist)
No. 1086596 ID: 045476



No. 1086598 ID: eef602

kick landlord

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1073474 No. 1073474 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

In autumn the leaves dances over the lake. Their green, red and golden hues reflecting onto the water’s surface, as the wind carries them across. Across to other places. Other worlds. At times, you wish you were nothing but a leaf, dancing in the wind… and leaving all this behind.
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No. 1085363 ID: 8f9bc4

You can't say you know any others of your kind living around here. Those not of your kind sure don't like you that way. Or at all.
No. 1085365 ID: 124485

>“Surely you have a special lady? Or at least, a gal you fancy?”
You don't have anybody. Everyone here thinks you're ugly and they constantly remind you of that everyday. That's why you're forced to live in a tent by the lake outside of town, so that you're far away from everyone else.

Nobody here loves Big Fat Bill…
No. 1085366 ID: 273c18

>“Surely you have a special lady? Or at least, a gal you fancy?”
Nope. Also, tell him you like men.
No. 1085381 ID: deefbe

Not to give false hope, but he's laid with women that have called him Daddy, and the life of traveling problem-solver isn't so straightforward: he might be keeping secrets for the sake of the mood, or have an arrangement. Can you read the inscription? He needs to work on his signals as well: inviting you to his place, bathing you, "... before I bathe you next time."

Anyone that you fancied or fancied you has either left or shacked up with someone else. Number of folks that have been kind to you beyond your own parents has been shockingly small, and it doesn't last in this place... for good reason.

You into gals as well as guys? Definitely into guys, it seems, just don't relax too much as he gets lower. Could always speak in hypotheticals, ask what he'd do about someone sending confusing/mixed messages.
No. 1086554 ID: 15a025

Apologize for being a downer, but this is kind of the first time someone hasn't tried to shoo you away in awhile.

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